The Downward Motion Routine

by Tomomi Ishimura

ISBN978-4-7631-3885-9 C0036

143 pages / January 2021 / 1,540 (tax included)

The long-waited new book by the author of fitness & health million-seller, Zero Training!
Introducing the most effective slimming routine! Videos and calendar also included!



Drop Motion is the best way to chip away at that waistline and weight.

Conventional exercises like push-ups, sit-ups, squats, weightlifting, and stair-stepping all require repeated up-and-down movements, but Drop Motion only requires you to go one way—down!


Doing each of the five Drop Motion exercises once per day effectively targets stubborn areas.
1. Ab Drop
2. Upper Arm Drop
3. Rear Drop
4. Back Drop
5. Thigh Drop


How long can you do it?!

How long can you maintain a downward motion during each exercise?

The longer you go, the more fat you burn and the stronger you become.


Pinpointing the trunk prevents the feared unnecessary bulk that often comes with weight training. Drop Motion helps produce and maintain a slender figure, making it the perfect addition to your beauty diet!


Focusing only on downward motion also keeps things easy and painless, making it perfect for those who hate working out! Our diet testers lost 5 to 10 kilos, and over 10 cm off the waist.

Also included are videos to follow, and a daily calendar for recording your weight, waist size, and length of time spent doing each exercise! This book is perfect for those finding it difficult to stay active during the pandemic! Try it to believe it!

From the table of contents

Prologue           The best way to be slim and energetic

Chapter 1         Why are downward motions effective?

Chapter 2         Try it! Drop Motion

Chapter 3         Drop Motion Q&A

Chapter 4         New York Rejuvenation Stretch

Closing chapter  Prevent overeating with Drop Meditation

Special gift        The Drop Motion Calendar


Tomomi Ishimura

Creator of Zero Training and yoga trainer, Tomomi Ishimura, is the representative of the Body Tone New York yoga studio. She played the role of Queen Sarabi in the Shiki Theatrical Company production of The Lion King, after which she relocated to New York. At age 35, she was selected among 2,000 candidates to play the role of Miss Chinatown in the Broadway production of Miss Saigon. She went on to open her own yoga studio, where she has found joy in watching the transformation of over 50,000 bodies and lives.