Drills to Easily Improve Memory 3

by Yoshihiro Ikeda

ISBN978-4-7631-3838-5 C2036

159 pages / July 2020 / 1,300 (w/o tax)

The third installment of the memory drill series!
Now introducing a “recitation challenge” that improves memory ten-fold.
400,000 books sold in the series!
Improve your memory with just two drills a day!


Author and six-time winner of the 2019 Japan Memory Championship Yoshihiro Ikeda offers unique drills that rapidly improve memory regardless of age.


Can’t memorize something no matter how many times you look?

Easily forget things?

You know you know it, but still can’t think of it?
Readers ranging from eight to 102 years old no longer have these issues!
The key to memorization is a “spark.” This “spark” stimulates the hippocampus, searing information deep into the brain. The drills in this book help you develop a kind of “flash detector” to increase overall memory quality.


The drills can be done anywhere, anytime, and with no time restrictions. You don’t need to get the right answers, and doing just two drills a day will get you through them in one month.


This third installment of memory drills introduces a method called the “recitation challenge” that increases memory strength several times over.

This book is perfect for students relying on memorization, businesspersons striving to acquire qualifications or anyone who is up for a challenge!

From the table of contents

Chapter 1 Detection drills

Chapter 2 Categorization drills

Chapter 3 Comparison drills

Chapter 4 Image drills

Chapter 5 Relation drills

From the editor

Memory drills vary in difficulty depending on the person. We’ve received a variety of feedback from readers. Some noted that certain chapters were a breeze, while others struggled at first, only to enjoy a great feeling of achievement once getting the hang of it. This book has a wider variety of drills than the first two, providing an exciting mixture of fun and challenging. Whether easy, fun and challenging or downright brain-teasing, all the drills in this book will greatly improve the power of your memory.



Yoshihiro Ikeda

Yoshihiro Ikeda won the 2019 Japan Memory Championship. He has also become Japan’s first Grand Master of Memory. His interest in memory improvement began with a love of mnemonics, leading him to eventually take part in his first championship. He achieved overall victory after 10 months of training, despite being in his forties. He was victorious six consecutive times up to 2019. In 2013, he won the World Memory Championship, becoming Japan’s first Grand Master of Memory (GMM).

His current mission is to help those the world over to improve not only their memory but also their overall brain power. He has enjoyed coverage on TV, the radio, and in publications. He also authored Drills to Easily Improve Memory, and Drills to Easily Improve Memory 2 (Sunmark publications), among others. Ikeda is the technical director at the Active Brain Association and an ambassador of Life Kinetik.