Get Slim Without Sweating -- Slender Bone Diet

by Ikue Shibata

ISBN978-4-7631-3699-2 C0036

95 pages / December 2018 / 1,200 yen (w/o tax)

Hate exercising? Hate dietary restrictions? Want to be slender?
A trainer who specializes in getting fit without tough exercise has just the program for you!


You can get slim without going to the gym, doing hard training or breaking into a sweat.

Those who dislike exercising try various diets but always end up coming back to the “Slender Bone Diet,” a popular diet program created by Ikue Shibata, a body balance trainer nicknamed “Professor Bones.”  


Many satisfied dieters have remarked at how clear Shibata’s explanations are, making this program especially easy for beginners. Also, very little training is involved, so adding the program to your daily routine is easy, allowing you to lose weight before you know it.

Shibata herself hates to exercise, and her program has become a refuge of sorts for other women who feel the same.


That’s right! Professor Bones, popular trainer and mother of one, hates walking, swimming and playing ball games. She is a trainer who truly feels the pain of those who want to lose weight but don’t like to exercise.


Shibata started ballet at the age of five to improve her weak constitution. She then studied dance at a physical education university, and became a ballet teacher as well as a yoga and Pilates instructor at a sports gym.


Then her life changed when she had a child at the age of 30. As she was exercising less and less, she started to put on weight.


She gained 10 kg and went from an extra-small to an extra-large. She no longer had the time or energy to visit the gym as she did before having a child, but she felt a strong desire to return to being a trainer. She then remembered the importance of bone movement, which she had learned while doing ballet, and adopted the form back into her lifestyle.


She reapplied three elements in her daily routine that include improving the way you sit, restoring hip rotation and improved arm movement. In just a year and a half, she returned to her extra-small size without breaking into a sweat or spending time at the gym, and this also gave birth to a new stage in her career as a trainer.

Everything Professor Bones teaches in this book is very simple.


It’s all about the ischium, hip and collar bones. Repositioning and using these bones properly drastically changes your body. This is more important than focusing on losing fat or gaining muscle. If your bones are moving properly, muscle movement will also improve, allowing you to burn more energy. Lymph and blood flow also improve, which eliminates swelling and makes you slimmer. You can change your appearance just by focusing on these three bones.


We’re very excited to share this extremely easy slimming method discovered by a trainer who hates exercising as much as you do.

From the table of contents


– A trainer who understands how it feels to hate exercising

–  How can we be slimmer without spending time at the gym?

– Turn down-time into training time with the “Slender Bone Diet”

– Why are the bones important?

– To lose weight, focus on these three bones


Lesson 1   Ischium beauty

A lesson about sitting properly

◎ Basic ischium exercises: Sitting on your ischium

Lesson 2   Hip joint beauty

A lesson on “Ashiri” removal for agile hip joints

◎ Basic hip joint exercises: “Feel the Ashiri” stretch

Lesson 3   Collarbone beauty

A lesson about slimming the arms using your collarbone

◎ Basic collarbone exercises: Rotating your shoulders from your collarbone


10 poses that will produce a slim figure

From the editor "HANA"

I turned 40 just before I finished editing this book and felt a wave of determination. “I need to figure out a way to lose weight!” Actually, just about a year ago, I, along with a friend of mine of the same age, decided to join a personal training program. We thought that if we paid a lot of money, we would be motivated to work hard, but it was tough to lose weight in the end. I met Professor Bones just as I was ready to give up and accept being overweight for the rest of my life.

Doing three simple exercises for several days made my arms and legs feel great. Shibata’s program drastically lowers the hurdles. The exercises can be done sitting down, so they’re perfect for a lazybones like me. Yes, it’s easy, and my belly really did get smaller! Also, I carry myself better and I feel more beautiful! I feel like guys have been staring at me on the train! (Maybe not…) It’s been about eight months and I’ve lost 5 kg. My favorite in this book was the “Feel the Ashiri” stretch (You’ll just have to read the book to find out what that is!) I highly recommend this book—and not just because I appear in some of the illustrations!


Ikue Shibata

Ikue Shibata is a body balance trainer. She graduated from the Japan Women’s College of Physical Education. Having a weak constitution in her childhood, she took up ballet and focused her studies on dance in university.  After graduation, she worked as a freelance ballet, yoga and Pilates instructor for 10 years, instructing as many as 80,000 people. She gave birth at the age of 30. Due to postpartum troubles including depression, she went from an extra-small to an extra-large waist. Wanting to return to being an instructor, she reincorporated ballet bone movement techniques into her lifestyle, and went down four sizes in a year and a half. She then developed the “Slender Bone Diet,” hoping to instruct future clients how to easily slim down by simply focusing on bone movement. As Shibata herself hates exercising, she has gained a reputation for being able to provide clear guidance to dieters also unwilling to break into a sweat. Her slim figure and clear explanations about bone movement have led her followers to lovingly call her “Professor Bones.” Ikue Shibata lives in Tokyo and has one child.