Before Your Memory Fades

by Toshikazu Kawaguchi

ISBN978-4-7631-3720-3 C0093

382 pages / September 2018 / 1,400 yen (w/o tax)

The series has sold 1,000,000 books, and this is the highly anticipated follow-up to the bestselling book that was made into a movie.


There are thoughts you need to share,

and words you want to hear.


This is the story of four people who visited a mysterious coffee shop in order to travel back in time to relive memories they had locked inside them.



An urban legend is circulating about a certain seat in a certain town’s coffee shop. If you sit in that seat, rumor has it you will be transported back to a time of your choice.


But there are some very troublesome rules involved:


  1. Even in the past, you can’t meet anyone who has never visited the coffee shop.
  2. No matter what you do in the past, you can’t change the present.
  3. A customer will be sitting in your seat when you arrive at the shop. You have to wait until they’ve left before you can sit down.
  4. You can’t leave to go anywhere else.
  5. Your time in the past starts when your coffee has been poured and ends once the coffee has gone cold.


Those aren’t the only rules, but people still feel the need to visit the coffee shop after hearing the rumors.


Would you still want to travel to the past under those conditions?


This book tells the story of four heart-warming miracles that took place in this coffee shop.


Story 1: A daughter who couldn’t say “You’re an idiot.”

Story 2: A comedian who couldn’t ask “Are you happy?”

Story 3: A younger sister who couldn’t say “Sorry.”

Story 4: A young man who couldn’t say “I like you.”


If you could go back, who would you see?

From the editor, "Ruriko"


The next book in the series is finally here! This book contains yet another four touching stories that will leave you teary-eyed. I choked back tears while editing it.

Get a box of tissues handy and enjoy!



Toshikazu Kawaguchi

Toshikazu Kawaguchi was born in Osaka, Japan, in 1971. He is a playwright and producer at 1110 Productions. As a playwright, his most representative works include COUPLE, Sunset Song, and Family Time. His debut book, Before the Coffee Gets Cold, was based on a 1110 Productions play of the same name, which won the 10th Suginami Drama Festival grand prize. The book was also nominated for a 2017 Japan Booksellers’ Award. He is also the author of Before the Lies are Revealed.