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What's the only way to have the best life possible? This is the last installment in a three-part series that includes Vessels of Potential and Luck. This guidebook will help you open up your life's possibilities using your own strength.

205 pages
July 2013
1,700 yen (w/o tax)
Heaven is the follow-up to Vessels of Potential, the first collaboration between businessman extraordinaire Hitori Saito and his number-one disciple Emiko Shibamura, and Luck, a book about making your life more meaningful.
What is important to the authors as entrepreneurs, and what paths did they take in their lives? The full picture is described in the simplest of terms. Ms. Shibamura summarizes Mr. Saito's teachings in one sentence: Your life should lead you to heaven. So, what is "a life connected to heaven"? Read this book and get a full taste of what it means to be in sync with heaven.

"Everyone comes to a crossroads at some point in their lives, wondering what to do and regretting the wrong choices made in the past. What's unusual is that in my life journey, I have never been stuck on a road or regretted the path I've chosen. That's because whenever I come to a point of decision, I always take the path that heaven points me to. Heaven is always showing us what road to take. The issue is whether or not we take in that message." -- Hitori Saito
From the table of contents:
Introduction Emiko Shibamura
Chapter one: How heaven works--Hitori Saito
Chapter two: Success rules from heaven--Hitori Saito
Chapter three: A journey to discover heaven-- Emiko Shibamura
Chapter four: How to find favor with heaven--Emiko Shibamura
Chapter five: Listen to the voice from heaven-- Emiko Shibamura
Epilogue The recommended "easy way"-- Hitori Saito
A word from the editor:
Emiko Shibamura organized a lecture presentation in Tokyo to celebrate the publishing of Vessels of Potential, Luck and Heaven, and Mr. Hitori Saito was the special guest. It had been 16 years since he had first delivered a lecture to the general public. The recording of the lecture was included in the companion CD. So good was the lecture, in fact, that Ms. Shibamura transcribed it herself and included it in the epilogue. It deals with the "easy way" that Mr. Saito learned from heaven itself as he tried to comprehend why some people never seem to succeed. He talks about people who did penance and took on challenges, and he also touches on the deeds of Hozen and Shinran, virtuous Buddhist monks.
What's the important thing to do in these times? So much of the content is eye-opening! As you read this book, listen to the CD too and enjoy yourself to your heart's content.
About the author:Hitori Saito
He is the founder of Ginza Marukan and is the highest-paying taxpayer in Japan, indicating that he also earns the most. He was in the top 10 highest taxpayers for 12 consecutive years starting in 1993, setting a new record. While high taxpayers mostly deal in real estate and stock offerings, Mr. Saito's case is unusual because all of his tax is deducted from his business income. He has published many books about combining both emotional happiness and financial success. His main works include The Power of Subtle Differences, Insight (both by Sunmark); Top Shape, The Road to Happiness, Heaven on Earth (Longsellers); Success Methods Written by a Weirdo (Sogo Horei); and This Will Never Grow Old (Makino) among others.

Author's Link:
Hitori Saito Official Homepage:

About the author:Emiko Shibamura
She was Hitori Saito's first student and is now a representative of the Ginza Marukan Shibamura Group. Born in Hokkaido, she first met Mr. Saito when she was an 18-year-old trainee masseuse. Several years later she began to relate to Mr. Saito's positive and appealing way of thinking and decided to work for him at Marukan as his first apprentice. Since then, she has been appointed supervisor of Marukan branch offices in 13 different cities, including Tokyo and Osaka. During the time when Mr. Saito was the No. 1 taxpayer in Japan, she came in at No. 86. Her main works include Hitori Saito's Mysterious Laws of Happiness (Daiwa), Hitori Saito's Wonderful Attraction Theory (PHP), and Hitori Saito's Cosmic Energy Therapy (Longsellers).

Author's Link:
Emiko Shibamura Official Blog:
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